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Times have really changed! But I would venture to say had it not been for all the wonderful western movies and television shows with all the cattle and spurs and chaps. Many of the rodeo tickets would never be sold and fast draw clubs would not even be around. The leather holster makers would not be as plentiful. But there are and we like it ! Hope you enjoy Westerns On The Web. Western Television Shows have effected every aspect of our culture.

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REVIVAL SCHOOL - Revival History, Revival Preachers, Revival Quotes, Revival Audios, Revival Videos, Revival Articles, Revival Books » THE ‘TORBEN’ CONTROVERSY – Comments?- by Andrew Strom. I hope by now you have seen the movie “The Last Reformation” by my old friend Torben Sondergaard. If not, there is a link at the end of this article). Of course, the movie is very powerful and inspiring – which is why we have promoted it. It literally changes people’s lives. But there are always those who have concerns – and it is often the same things that come up over and over.

So I am writing this article to address some of these things… Firstly, I am not a member of ‘The Last Reformation’ movement. To me, this is not about a man or a movement. It is all about. JESUS and what He wants to do in the earth. We can take thevery best stuff that Torben puts out and combine it with the things. God has shown us – and see tremendous powerful things happenin people’s lives. That is because it is not about us and it is notabout Torben. It is all about JESUS and what He wants to do.

EXPERIENCED a DAY OF MIRACLESIf you have been on this email list for awhile, you will know thatwe have been doing similar things to the movie for years. Prayingand baptizing people on the streets, etc. But I have to admit, when. I got back from the recent “Kickstart” with Torben in Australia,something in me felt new and different. It was like a ‘jump’ hadtaken place so that healings and other powerful things suddenlyfelt more ‘normal’ and more attainable. And now we are teachingothers and they are seeing this “jump” take place in their ownlives.

A jump into Book- of- Acts Christianity. We just returned from a little town in Northland where somebrothers and I held a Training Weekend not too different from theones Torben holds. On Saturday we literally had an entire dayof healings, people getting filled with the Spirit and speaking in‘tongues’, baptisms in the ocean – all interspersed with teachingon the “Foundations” (Hebrews 6) – and so- on. At one point we got all the “well” people to pray for all those withinjuries and sickness.

Many were instantly healed. While thiswas going on, I started praying for a woman who had had twooperations on her hips and walked in constant pain. As Icommanded healing in the name of JESUS she was instantlyhealed and took off walking up and down the aisle to check thatthe pain was gone. Totally healed in Jesus’ name! I then askedher if she had ever been filled with the Holy Spirit and spoken in‘tongues’.

She never had. I laid on hands and prayed for her. Shewas instantly filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak ina beautiful prayer- language.

Honestly, I have never seen a personlook more radiant or filled- with- joy than this lady. And two hourslater she was helping to baptize a friend in the ocean. Real New. Testament stuff happening right before our eyes. Did it used to be common for me to see powerful things happeninstantaneously like that? Nope. But now it is starting to becometruly “normal”. And we also find that we are able to pass this onto others.

The gospel is being followed by healings and miracles,just like it was in the Bible. BAPTISM is AN ISSUEPersonally I have always been strong on baptism – both in waterand in the Spirit. The thing that I am strongest on is that baptismshould be done in FAITH.

You need to BELIEVE that in baptism. God will do all the things He says He will do. Of course we insistthat people must repent first before they are baptized.

So when the Bible speaks of baptism as a “death and burial” ofthe old life (Rom 6: 3- 4) we tell people to believe God for that. Andwhen it says that baptism is a “cutting off” (Col 2: 1. Acts 2. 2: 1. 6) we tell people to believe God forthat.

This makes baptism very powerful – just as it should be. Whydo we treat baptism as a mere “symbol” when if we do it in FAITHit can be one of the most powerful spiritual experiences of aperson’s entire life? A lot of people ask questions about the way Torben baptizes. You will notice in the movie that he says to the person, “I baptizeyou into Jesus Christ” (or in the “name of Jesus Christ”) but thenhe does something additional while he is putting them under thewater.

He says, “Die with Christ, rise with Christ.” And he doesit every time. In fact, a lot of people get the impression that thisis Torben’s baptismal formula. Die with Christ, rise with Christ.”If you ask him, I’m sure Torben will say that this is just somethinghe adds to emphasize what baptism is all about. Rom 6: 3- 4). But the problem is that Torben’s followers around the world arecopying him in a way that makes it seem like this is now theproper “formula” for baptism.

This could really cause problems. In fact, it already is. For many years I have personally baptized people “in the nameof the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – in the name of Jesus. Christ.” Why do I do it this way?

Because in Matt 2. Father, Son and Holy Spirit”but in the Book of Acts it tells us they baptized people in the“name of Jesus Christ”. So to fulfill all these Scriptures and alsoto save confusion, I make sure that all of this is covered. Tospeak the name of Jesus over someone being baptized is a verywonderful thing. So I have no problem with Torben baptizing people simply “intothe name of Jesus Christ.” Personally I prefer to do it a bitdifferently, but I have no problem with that at all. And neither do. I have a problem with people joining the ‘Last Reformation’movement.

If they want to do that it is entirely up to them. As for me and others, however, we consider that we are alreadypart of the “Jesus” movement. We love to take great material likethe ‘Last Reformation’ movie and show it to people to make theminspired about doing the works of Jesus in the earth.

It is one ofthe best tools I know of to show that a “Book of Acts” lifestyletruly is possible today. A very powerful film. But we do not haveto be part of a “movement” to do that. I strongly encourage you to gather your friends and relations towatch this movie. There is really nothing else like it.

Maybe youcan even have a prayer and healing session afterward! Or abaptism session! I’m sure it will inspire your friends just as ithas inspired many others.

CLICK THIS LINK TO WATCH THE MOVIE – https: //thelastreformationmovie. God bless you all. Andrew Strom. Posted in Articles by Andrew on March 9th, 2.