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Sin City (also known as Frank Miller's Sin City) is a 2005 American neo-noir crime anthology film written, produced, and directed by Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller. Gene Klein, born Chaim Witz (Hebrew: חיים ויץ ‎‎, [xaˈim ˈvit͡s], born August 25, 1949), known professionally as Gene Simmons, is an Israeli-American.

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Roger Moore: The sex symbol who taught me how to kiss. Screen hero Sir Roger Moore, who died last week aged 8. Ivanhoe and The Saint. Here, in the second part of our serialisation of his deliciously deadpan memoirs, he reveals the encounters he had with beautiful actresses on and off set, how he got on famously with Tony Curtis and the ups and downs of being married four times.. Fiery relationship: Sir Roger Moore with Italian actress Luisa Mattioll - the third of his four wives.

Lana Turner taught me how to kiss. Not that I thought I needed lessons: I was pushing 2. But an actor can always learn more. This was 1. 95. 6 and we were in the middle of shooting a huge flop called Diane, in which I played a French prince called Henri.

The dialogue was painful. In one scene, I had to turn to Lana and say: ‘You made me a prince — now make me a king!’ Our lips met, and I gave her the kiss of all time. She coughed, pushed me back and said: ‘Cut!

Cut! Honey, you’re a great kisser but when a lady’s over 3. So could you kiss me with the same passion but without the pressure?’Passion without pressure . And Lana must have enjoyed our kiss, because at a lavish party on an MGM set designed as a nightclub, I was sitting on the steps beside the dance floor with a drink when I felt hands sliding up my back. I turned my head and discovered it was Lana who was massaging my shoulders, quite sensually. I was rather enjoying it, when I heard a deep voice say, ‘Hi honey’, and Lana’s hands jumped away. There was Lex Barker, the 6ft 5in star of Tarzan, who happened to be her husband. I got the message.

Much as I love a good story, especially the ones about myself, I resisted for a long time writing them down. My motto has always been that if I have nothing nice to say about a person, I’d rather say nothing at all. And I have no desire to hurt my friends with embarrassing revelations. Sir Roger and Lana Turner pictured together for the 1. Diane'In my 6. 0s, when I acquired my first laptop, I did make an attempt at writing down some memories. But I hadn’t managed more than about 2. Geneva airport and was never seen again. Watch Once A Gangster Hindi Full Movie there. I was almost relieved — about the manuscript, at least.

But, when approaching 8. I succumbed to persuasion from my darling wife Kristina and agreed to jot down some stories about the wonderful friends who have enriched my life; and above all about me — a suave, modest, sophisticated, talented, modest, debonair, modest and charming individual, of whom there is much to tell. I was born just after midnight on October 1. Stockwell, South London. My father, George, was 2. Bow Street. Sir Roger with his second wife, singer Dorothy Squires, together in 1. The first home I remember was a third- floor flat with two bedrooms and a living room- cum- kitchen in (I’m not making this up) Albert Square.

Next door was a timber yard, and the smell of freshly cut wood still evokes happy childhood memories for me. I was an only child and an obliging one, who liked nothing better than helping his mother with chores, such as black- leading the grate. But I was often ill, first with mumps and then tonsillitis, followed by double bronchial pneumonia when I was six.

The doctor told my father to prepare my mother, Lily, for the worst: when he returned the next morning, he would bring a death certificate. According to family legend, when my fever broke in the night, I woke up and started singing Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam.

This was the Thirties, long before the National Health Service, and much later I learned that my father had sold his beloved motorbike to pay the medical bill. He and my mum were devoted to each other. As a teenager, Dad had been devastated by his own mother’s suicide. Shortly afterwards, his father married the woman who, rumour said, had been his lover for years: the affair had pushed my grandmother to kill herself. Little wonder that my dad hated my grandfather. Sex symbol Lana Turner (left) gave Sir Roger a sensual massage until they were interrupted by her burly husband Lex Barker (pictured right on the set of Tarzan's Peril in 1. I was 1. 1 when World War II broke out, and evacuated to Worthing on the South Coast.

I was taken in by a couple with two sons of their own, a little older than me, who were under orders to welcome me. Watch I Do, I Do, I Do Online Metacritic. They made it abundantly clear that they didn’t want to. Their mother didn’t like me, either. I will never forget being served a boiled egg for tea, and dipping a bread ‘soldier’ into the runny yolk, to be coldly informed that I was a dirty, common child. One of my frequent illnesses got me out of there: I came out in contagious scabs all over my body, courtesy of impetigo, and another sojourn in hospital followed. The next time I was hospitalised, I must have been over 1.

This time it was a bullet wound — though it had nothing to do with the war. My friend Norman and I had ‘borrowed’ my dad’s air pistol and were mucking around with it when he decided to use my knee for target practice. I hid the injury for as long as I could; then my knee seized up and I confessed all to my mum. When she took me to the doctor, though, he accused me of exaggerating my limp — until an X- ray revealed a lead slug buried in the bone just below the joint. It put me off guns for life.

Sir Roger pictured in 1. At school, I had discovered a gift for cartoons, and designed some patriotic posters. My father proudly showed them around, and the outcome was that, aged 1. Watch All Is Lost Online Hulu. I was apprenticed as a trainee animator at a production company, making training films and cinema adverts.

One of my jobs was to deliver film cans to the headquarters of AK1, Army Kinematography in Curzon Street, Soho. It was here that I first met one of my closest friends in later life, Lieutenant Colonel David Niven, who was the dashing technical adviser.

Naturally, he had no recollection of ever clapping eyes on me at the time. When I first appeared on camera, I had little interest in acting, except the chance of making a few bob as an extra. My friends had heard of a major production hiring extras at Elstree, on a film called Caesar And Cleopatra, starring Vivien Leigh, and I thought it might be fun to spend a few days dressed as a Roman legionary. The co- director Brian Hurst, who went by the nickname of the Empress of Ireland because he was Belfast- born and queenly, took a shine to my face.

He urged me to consider a career as an actor. After hours of gazing starstruck at the likes of co- stars Stewart Granger and Claude Rains, in their magnificent costumes, I didn’t take much persuading. My parents backed me when I applied to drama school, and cheered when I was accepted at RADA. Brian must have been hoping to get to know me better, because he invited me to a party and sat me on a sofa between writers Terence Rattigan and Godfrey Winn. When Godfrey declared, rather suggestively, that at my age he, too, had been the most beautiful man in London, I leapt to my feet and, in my deepest voice, I announced: ‘I am not queer, you know!’ And indeed I wasn’t.

I had already met my first wife, a beautiful ice- skater named Doorn van Steyn. Once the war ended, and after a couple of years of National Service spent square- bashing with the infantry and performing with the entertainment corps, Doorn and I were married. We set up home together on the first floor of her sister’s house in Streatham. Sir Roger's first wife Doorn Van Steyn who was an accomplished ice skater. Repertory theatre in plays like Noel Coward’s Easy Virtue helped pay the bills, while Doorn toured the country in ice shows. She never believed I could be a star, and made no secret of it. Your face is too weak, your jaw’s too big and your mouth is too small,’ she said.

In that painful way of all broken marriages, ours descended into bitter recrimination, culminating one night at the stage door of the Lyric Theatre in the West End, when Doorn was waiting outside. I was understudying in a play called The Little Hut. The show’s stars, Robert Morley and David Tomlinson, were with me.