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Godfather Part II Script at IMSDb. International. French scripts. The Godfather: Part twoTHE GODFATHER. Screenplay by. Francis Ford Coppola. September 2. 4, 1. The Paramount Pictures logo is presented over a simple black. White lettering fades in.

Mario Puzo's THE GODFATHER. There is a pause, as the trumpet concludes, and there is the. Part Two - . INT. DON CORLEONE'S OLD OFFICE - CLOSE VIEW ON MICHAEL. Prince, recently crowned. CLOSE VIEW ON Michael's hand. ROCCO LAMPONE kisses his hand.

Then it is taken away. We can SEE only the empty desk and.

Michael's father, Vito Corleone. We HEAR, over. this, very faintly a funeral dirge played in the distance. THE VIEW MOVES SLOWLY CLOSER to the empty desk and chair. DISSOLVE TO. EXT. A SICILIAN LANDSCAPE - FULL VIEW - DAY. We can barely make out the funeral procession passing over. The figures move.

The MUSICIANS walking unsteadily on the rocky bed, their. They are followed by six young peasant men, carrying the. Then the widow, a. Behind her, not more than twenty relatives, few children and. Suddenly, we HEAR the shots of the lupara, and the musicians.

The entire procession scatters in odd. The young men struggle with the burden of the heavy coffin. We hear a woman SCREAMING. They've killed young Paolo! They've. killed the boy Paolo! EXT. SICILIAN LANDSCAPE - MED.

VIEW - DAY. across the slain body of a fourteen year old boy, lying on. In the distance we see four or five of.

They begin to. wail, and cry out in anguished Sicilian, as the widow, the. EXT. BARONIAL ESTATE - TIGHT MOVING VIEW - DAY. A boy, eight or nine, with wide, frightened eyes, being. This is VITO ANDOLINI, who is. The Godfather. The VIEW ALTERS revealing that he is being pulled along by. Mother, the Widow, across a field leading to the.

Baronial Estate of some forgotten Noble. At various positions near the gates are men with shotguns. The gates are opened; and the Widow and her boy. DON FRANCESCO, a man in his sixties. Watch Online Watch Natural Selection Full Movie Online Film. He. wears his trousers with suspenders, and an open white shirt.

He wears a hat. to protect him from the white- hot sun, and proudly displays. He sits in a chair, near a group of his men in the garden. Widow, who stands before him with her only. Don Francesco. You murdered my. And his oldest son Paolo, because.

But Vitone is. only nine, and dumb- witted. He. never speaks. DON FRANCESCO. I'm not afraid of his words.

DON FRANCESCO. He will grow strong. The child cannot harm you. DON FRANCESCO. He will be a man, and then he will.

As she pleads, the Widow moves closer to the Don, until she. I beg you, Don Francesco, spare my. He is all I have. In. the name of the Holy Spirit, I. Suddenly, she reaches under her skirt, where she has hidden. But I will kill you myself! Mafia chieftain).

The boy runs as fast as he can out through the gates. Then. there is a lupara blast. He turns, and sees his Mother. Then he sees the men turn.

One fires at him; but the boy is. EXT. STREETS OF CORLEONE - NIGHT. Two men roam the deserted streets of Corleone, carrying. Every so often, they stop, and one shouts in a.

Their. names are MOSCA and STROLLO. Our Friend promises misery to. Vito. (he turns and shouts.

Our Friend promises misery to. Vito. INT. A HOUSE - NIGHT. A family quietly eats their dinner.

The father is the local. Sicilian, O. S.). Our Friend will be hard with any. Vito. One of the children looks up, about to speak. But the. father sternly indicates that nothing must be said. They go. on with their dinner.

EXT. THE STREETS OF CORLEONE - FULL VIEW - NIGHT. The men continue walking up and throughout the streets, far. Sicilian O. S.). .. Vito.. INT. A BARN - NIGHT. Four little girls watch with wide eyes as their mother and. Vito tightly in swaddled cloth, and then lift. The father looks at the boy's almost stoically.

Vito.. We pray for you. He pulls the fabric over the boy's face. Sicilian O. S.). .. Andolini.. (Sicilian O. S.). Our Friend promises misery to any.

EXT. THE CHURCH PLAZA - NIGHT. The men continue on their night- walk, up to the plaza of the. Vitone. The figure of a single man on a mule passes them. Let no one give help to the boy.

Vito Andolini.. The man on the mule makes his way out of the village and. We begin to hear, very quietly, the Waltz repeated once again. EXT. STEAMSHIP - CLOSE VIEW ON VITO - DAY. Steerage. He does not say a word. The Waltz grows louder as the VIEW.

ALTERS, revealing the hundreds of immigrant families huddled. Then, suddenly, the Waltz stops.

THE NEW YORK HARBOR - DAY. SILENCE. We glide past the Statue of Liberty.

VIEW on the IMMIGRANTS standing on shipboard silently. Vito is standing with them, his eyes wide. CAMERA MOVES IN on the statue, then MOVING PAST, on to the.

Ellis Island. EXT. ELLIS ISLAND - DAY. A tugboat pulls a barge brimming with immigrants into the. Ellis Island harbor. Uniformed officials of the Immigration. Service load them up toward the main building. INT. ELLIS PROCESSING HALL - DAY.

The hundreds of immigrant families sit on rows of benches in. Various painted lines lead to the steps and. There is the babble of many interviews going on. Vito is bundled in an old coat, with a large tag pinned on.

Vitone Andolini - - Corleone, Sicilia.". He stands, moves up in the line, when several other immigrant. Weak from the trip, he falls to the floor.

The boys laugh. derisive in a language he cannot understand. He struggles. to his feet, lifting his makeshift bags; staring at them in.

INT. PROCESSING ROOM - DAY. Three or four interviews are crowded into the small room. English. From the expression on. Vito's face, and from the fragmented of the English, we. What is your name? The man waits, impatiently.

Vito doesn't answer. The Official pulls the tag pinned onto.

Vito.. Corleone. Step up, over. He hands the form to another official. CLOSE VIEW on the form. The name has been entered as Vito. INT. MEDICAL EXAM - DAY. Vito is stripped to the waist, as other immigrants wait. The DOCTOR is just finishing his examination.

He shakes his. head, and then writes on the medical form. Can you understand me? Vito stares blankly. You understand? Smallpox. Smallpox. He doesn't understand.

The doctor turns to the Immigration. Quarantine.. six months. UNDERGROUND PASSAGEWAY - MOVING VIEW - DAY. Officials move a group of immigrant men, including Vito, to. Island. INT. QUARANTINE HALLWAY - DAY. The official stops at each doorway, and reads off a name. Salvatore Ormenta.

The man moves into the room, and the group proceeds. Vito Corleone. No one responds. The guard moves to the boy, reads his new. And then, not unkindly. He opens the door, and Vito enters the room.

EXT. THE STATUE OF LIBERTY - DAY. The VIEW slowly begins to pull back, revealing this to be. Vito stands. on his bench, looking out to the statue through the barred.

Then he turns, and sits in the corner. He is silent for a. Then, in a sweet, pure voice, he sings to himself in Sicilian. DISSOLVE TO. INT. CATHOLIC CHURCH - MOVING CLOSE SHOT - DAY. A nine year old boy, dressed immaculately in white, with a. He has dark black hair, and his face is.

Vito's. He moves slowly, his. We HEAR only the pure. Vito in Sicilian, his sad song reaching out from. ANTHONY CORLEONE, his Grandson, moves on the. First Holy Communion more than fifty years later. The little children move in procession down to the Altar.

PRIEST raises the Host, and performs the Communion. Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit. MOVING VIEW ON THE PRIEST.

Altar boys, as he moves along the row of kneeling. CLOSE MOVING VIEW. Host; finally, the Priest. Anthony. Corpus Christi. EXT. LAKE TAHOE ESTATE - DAY. The lawns of this great estate on the shore of Lake Tahoe.