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Emma Swan Once Upon a Time Wiki. Upon return to Storybrooke, Emma reenters the diner from the entrance, putting on a cold mask towards her confused family and friends. Seeing Mr. Clark wearing her trademark red jacket, Emma callously questions who he is supposed to be, and out of annoyance, she turns him to stone. Regina threatens to fulfill what Emma asked her to do if she ever went too far, but Emma reveals she has the dagger now. To keep Hook's secret under wraps, Emma lies to the group, professing she will punish them for what they did to her. The Dark Swan", "The Price", "Broken Heart")Hearing Henry summon her, Emma magically appears at the dock, where she warmly greets him and moves to touch his hand, but he pulls away.

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Recalling what she had said last night, Henry apologizes for failing her, but Emma assures him that she meant everyone except him. Regina approaches, telling her to get away from her son, while Emma coolly stands her ground.

The story begins with a very traumatizing event. Poor Nova, one of the main characters, is a witness to this event and is forever engraved with the horrific act that. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs.

When Regina questions her about the memory wipe, Emma admits she removed those memories for a reason, causing Regina to vow that she will retrieve them no matter what. However, Emma confidently points out it's impossible as she built new curse to be unbreakable since there's no savior to undo it. Later, Emma appears before Hook, who accidentally calls her, before she whisks him to the front of her new house. She invites him in, playfully stating that they can still be together, and gives him a drink.

He has other ideas, however, and kisses her. Much to his despair, true love's kiss doesn't work on her, but Emma insists it failed because she doesn't need fixing as she has accepted who she is now. Hook refuses to accept this and asks what happened in Camelot, though Emma dances around the question, citing that it'd be no fun to give him a straight answer. She tries to charm him into staying, but Hook leaves. That night, Regina confronts Emma about the fury that has kidnapped Robin because of an unpaid price of magic, asking her to call the creature off, but Emma reveals Regina is the one who didn't pay the price.

Emma Swan, also known as the Savior and the Greatest Light, formerly as the Dark One or the Dark. 1 januari – Dale Bumpers, 90, amerikansk demokratisk politiker. [1] 1 januari – Brian Johns, 79, australisk affärsman, VD för ABC åren 1995–2000, cancer.

With growing agitation, she challenges Regina to be the savior and do what needs to be done. After Regina defeats the fury and the townspeople are having a night out at the diner, Emma watches from across the street before leaving. At home, Emma sees Rumplestiltskin, who tells her that her weaknesses, such as her need to protect her loved ones, will always hold her back, as they did with all the other Dark Ones that came before her, but she can snuff out the light. He leads her to the basement, where Excalibur is buried in the stone, tempting her to unite the sword with the dagger to be rid of any hope of light inside her. Emma attempts to pull the sword out, only to be thrown back by a barrier, as Rumplestiltskin cackles that she must pay a price first before extracting the sword.

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The Price")In the mines, Emma surprises the dwarves by stealing Happy's ax, which she uses to try and unearth Excalibur from the stone, but instead, it breaks the ax. Prompted by Rumplestiltskin, she sets out to find a certain hero to pull it out. Somehow, Emma discovers Belle is making a healing spell to wake Mr. Gold, but the last ingredient must be something that once touched him when he wasn't the Dark One yet. Suspecting Hook may have it, Emma orders a takeout from Granny's with a note asking him to meet her on his ship.

Below deck, she apologizes to him for how she behaved last time and asks him to have lunch with her. In an instant, Emma magically sets up their meal and changes herself into the same dress and hairstyle she had on their first date. As the ship sets sail by Emma's magical influence, Hook gets straight to the point, asking what is behind the door in her house. When she doesn't answer, Hook notes she is not the old Emma, as the person he knew didn't play games. Emma affirms she is better as the Dark One, free of her past closed- minded and judgmental personality, and suggests they can move forward together if he is willing.

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Hook is appalled at this, to which she exemplifies Mr. Gold, who used to be a coward and didn't find true love until becoming the Dark One. Recalling that Hook told her about how Mr. Gold had groveled at him, Emma believes that Mr. Gold became better after the change.

Hook owns up to being the villain in that situation, and he explains how he had pointed a sword at Mr. Gold, who was a good man trying to keep his family together, and becoming the Dark One made him evil and manipulative, while Hook himself changed for the better. Emma changes the subject, taking the sword, and tries to remind him of how she taught him to swordfight in the alternate reality. Tired of her games, Hook calls her out for wanting something from him.

She asks if he loves her, promising to leave if he doesn't, but he states he loved her, causing her to depart shortly after. When Mr. Gold is close to waking from his coma, Emma kidnaps him to her house basement, where she crushes the sword over him to complete the healing spell. Once he awakens, she reveals her plans about making him a hero. Siege Perilous")While in her home basement, Emma twirls a middlemist rose in her hand, while an imprisoned Mr. Gold tries to sympathize with her about knowing what the darkness feels like. He insists she needn't give into it and should set him free, but Emma reasons that he is the only one who can get the sword for her. He has doubts about being the hero she wants, though she hints there is a secret weapon to help him become that hero.

She then goes to her car that is hidden in a tunnel, where she approaches Merida, who is tied to the front of the vehicle. After magically undoing Merida's binds, Emma rips out her heart, commanding the redhead to fetch her bow from the car. Emma then explains her plan to have Merida make a coward brave. The Broken Kingdom")Afterwards, Emma returns to free Mr. Gold, who continues to try and persuade her out of her plan, warning that no matter how good her intentions, she'll always lose her loved ones in the end. Emma considers his words for a moment, before ordering Merida to take Mr. Gold into the woods to begin making him a hero, as she herself enters a nearby shed, which is filled with hanging dreamcatchers.

Taking down one particular dreamcatcher, which belongs to Violet, she clutches it to her chest and cries. Hoping to amend what she did to Violet six weeks ago in Camelot, Emma purposely releases the girl's horse, Nicodemus, so Henry can find it and earn Violet's admiration. Instead, Henry seeks Emma's help to track down the horse, while she remains unaware he is deliberately distracting her, giving Regina and the others time to search her house. Upon entering the yellow bug, Henry tells Emma about how he won over Violet with Yaz's "Only You", the same song Neal had used on Emma. Learning Nicodemus likes pumpkin, Emma takes her son to a pumpkin market, Peter Peter's, where the horse is hiding.

With some patience from Henry, the horse calms down, allowing the boy to grab its reins. That night, Emma turns up on Regina's doorstep, asking to see Henry. Regina confronts her about what she did to Violet, and when Emma expresses anger at her unearthing the truth, the brunette considers that anything with the Dark One is always a manipulation. Emma argues she took Violet's heart with good reason, to which Regina compares her to Cora, who did horrible things with "good reason".

Once Upon a Twilight! Thor: Ragnarok Director: Taika Waititi Writer: Eric Pearson, Craig Kyle Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett. Social Handles: Twitter Facebook Instagram  IMDb. Watch Resident Evil: Apocalypse Streaming. Thor. Ragnarok. Imprisoned, the mighty Thor finds himself in a lethal gladiatorial contest against the Hulk, his former ally. Thor must fight for survival and race against time to prevent the all- powerful Hela from destroying his home and the Asgardian civilization.

Thor: Ragnarok was an absolute blast. The moment it starts you could tell what the tone was once the movie begins. The scenes were incredibly well done from every actors performance.

The dialogue between Thor and Hulk was amazing as well as the fight between them. The plot was great it went well with the movie. Throughout the movie is a lot of comedy and right when there's a serious scene the comedy takes you right out of. It has a very good way of transition of serious moments to comedic scenes. Finding Bliss Full Movie In English. Tessa Thompson was perfect as Valkyrie her dialogue between the characters were very humorous. Graphics were absolutely outstanding they give great pacing to let you take in the environment of the movie with its awesome graphics and the little Easter eggs the have in this film. Tom Hiddleston kills it at Loki once again with his interaction with each character.

Hulk makes this movie fun and so entertaining keeping you wanting more and wonder what he'll do or say next. Once it gets to the end of the film you feel the urge of wanting more from the actors and their over all great performances as these characters. Thor: Ragnarok does answer questions that we're ask from the other films. Also ties in to what they have in store for Avengers: infinity war. Go watch it! FUN FACTS ABOUT THOR: RAGNAROK(copyrights Disney). Ragnarok translates to “the end of the universe” in Norse mythology, so it’s fair to. Director Taika Waititi not only directs, but also plays a new CGI character in the Marvel.

Cinematic Universe named Korg (introduced by Marvel in a 1. Waititi is. well known for not only directing, but acting in his own films. On those days when he did double duty as director while also portraying the character. Korg before the cameras, Waititi was required by the VFX team to don the neutralgray motion capture leotard, dotted all over with halved ping pong balls, used fortracking purposes in post- production when the VFX animators create the CG characterin the computer. It was a strange sight for everyone on set to see him directing in thatgetup!- Characters from the Marvel comics coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in “Thor: Ragnarok” include the villainous Hela (Cate Blanchett), introduced in the Marvel comicsin 1.

Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), debuting on the comic bookpages in 1. Skurge, the executioner (Karl Urban), a 1. Sakaarian dictator Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum), first appearing in the Marvel comics in. Cate Blanchett’s, Hela, one of Thor’s most formidable enemies from the comics, is thefirst leading female villain in any of the Marvel Studios’ feature films to date.- The film is the first feature in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to shoot not only in. Australia, but in the entire Southern Hemisphere.- Village Roadshow Studios has nine sound stages and “Thor Ragnarok” utilized all nine ofthem for both filming and construction. Stage 9, the largest sound stage in the Southern.

Hemisphere, was completed just weeks before Marvel Studios moved into Village. Roadshow for pre- production on “Thor: Ragnarok.”- The world of Sakaar in the story is like nothing ever before seen in any of the previous. Marvel Studios’ films. Its design was inspired by the comic book illustrations of Jack Kirby, who co- created “Thor” (with Stan Lee) in 1. Sakaar is the world ruled by Jeff.

Goldblum’s dictatorial character, Grandmaster.- The two backlot sets at Village Roadshow Studios (Asgard Piazza and Sakaar) are,collectively, equal in size to two American football fields. It took production over fourmonths to build them with a crew numbering over 4. Watch Valentine`S Day Online (2017) more.

Oscar®- winning production designer Dan Hennah (“Lord of the Rings,” “The Hobbit”trilogies) and production designer Ra Vincent (“What We Do in the Shadows”) designedover two- dozen sets (both stage and exterior builds) for the 1. Veteran costume designer Mayes Rubeo (“Avatar,” “Warcraft,” “The Great Wall”) madeover 2,5. Asgard and. Sakaar), with all materials sourced in Australia.-  Throughout the four- day shoot in Brisbane, Australia, both Chris Hemsworth and Tom. Hiddleston took every break in filming to greet the fans by shaking hands, throwing“swag” (posters, sunglasses, T- shirts and such from “Thor: The Dark World”) out to thecrowd, signing autographs and grabbing personal cell phones for that once- in- a- lifetimeselfie. Many people (of all ages!) came back, day after day, rain or shine, for hours onend, to catch a close- up glimpse of the actual movie stars.- Chris Hemsworth also had fun handing out pizzas to the Brisbane crowds, which werepurchased by the production’s location manager, Duncan Jones.- A local teenager spent all week on location hoping to meet Tom Hiddleston because shehad sketched a portrait of Loki that she wanted to present to him. Production arrangedfor the two to meet in front of the local TV cameras.- While shooting an exterior scene in the Australian wilderness, filming was brieflyinterrupted when a large python fell from the dense trees above.

No cast or crew wereharmed, and the snake was safely relocated by a professional snake handler, but notbefore a few brave crew members snapped some pictures.-  On days where Cate Blanchett was shooting, before cameras rolled on the first shot,Cate made a habit of leading the crew through a few minutes of calisthenics to start theday off right.- During the early morning hours, before crew arrived for work, wild kangaroos wereoften spotted hanging around the backlot near the exterior sets of Asgard and Sakaar.- On the first day of principal photography, a local Maori tribe performed a ceremonialdance to bless the crew in hopes for a smooth shoot. Eighty- four days of successfulshooting later, the tribe returned and delivered a beautiful closing ceremony as aculmination to an incredible experience of filming on native land in Australia.