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Things Every Woman Should Realize About Men. Don Jon. This one’s for the ladies. Fellas, you can hang around if you want to, but you gotta stand over there in the corner and be real quiet.

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Don’t worry, I’m not gonna hit on your girlfriends and wives, but I got a few things to tell them. Trust me, this is for your own good. Okay girls, now it’s just you and me. You’re all looking very pretty today, maybe we can go grab a drink sometime—no, shit. I promised I wouldn’t do that. Sorry. Habit. Anyway, the reason I pulled you all aside…is to show you my penis. Wait! Don’t leave, I was just kidding.

Okay, I think I got it all out of my system now. Seriously, though, I want to let you in on a little secret—men don’t know shit about women. We just can’t figure you out, and all our attempts end in humiliating defeat.

So stop expecting us to understand the intricate mystery that is the feminine psyche and just accept the fact that it’s never going to happen. However…there is hope.

Once you stop over- thinking men and realize that they are much less complex than you are, you can take charge, keep them content and get what you want at the same time. So here’s a list of things that will help you help him to create a strong and lasting relationship with just about any guy. And if you need any extra help, I do offer private tutorials. You know where to find me. You Gotta Stay Away From His Internet Search History. You can’t handle it.

It’s more or less the same for every guy, so don’t think he’s a perv or anything. But if you go browsing where he’s been, you’ll regret it. There are some things you can’t unsee. You Can’t Change Him. I know that you know this intellectually, but on some level, you may still think you can pull it off. You can’t. And if you do manage to get it done, he’ll figure it out and resent you for it.

Love him the way he is or not at all. You Shouldn’t Take It Personally When He Checks Out Other Women. Watch The Pledge Online Etonline more. Unless he’s leering and drooling, just let it slide. It’s a reflex and he can’t help it. Just let it slide.

He Will Choose His Friends Over You. They’ve been with him for way longer than you have, and no matter how much he loves the regular sex, he’ll sacrifice it if you’re trying to 8. Never Criticize His Mother. If he wants to do it, and you commiserate with him, that’s fine.

On Wednesday, Facebook announced the rollout of Watch, what it is calling “a new platform for shows on Facebook.” It’s yet another foray by the social media. Connecting people with uplifting stories of comfort and hope, prayer, and tools for faithful, positive living. My mom loves me. But she also “likes” me—a lot. And apparently, when she does so on Facebook, it’s hurting my chances of becoming the next viral sensation. Lists US metropolitan dailies that have closed since March 2007. Chronicling the decline of newspapers and the rebirth of journalism.

But if you’re the one who brings it up, watch the fuck out. Odds are, there are qualities she has that he sees in you, so try to figure out what those are and relate to her on that level. You Have To Let Shit Go. You’ll have a lot of fights over the course of the relationship, but when they’re over, they really need to be over. Throwing old arguments back in his face will lead to loss of trust and ultimately change how he feels about you. Don’t Ask Questions You Don’t Want To Know The Answers To.

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Hey, he’s got a history and so do you. If you love him for who he is now, don’t worry so much about the steps he took to get there. You Can’t Bombard Him The Second He Walks In The Door. He knows you want to talk about what that bitch said to you at work today or your plans to redecorate the bedroom, but for god’s sake, let him have a beer and stare at the TV for at least half an hour first. Withholding Sex Is A Dangerous Game.

I don’t care how mad you are at him, if you cut him off for an extended period of time, what happens next is on you. He’s Jealous Of All Your Straight Guy Friends. Bitch about him to the girls all you want, but if you’re confiding things to other men and he finds out about it, he’s going to get jealous. Sorry to break it to you, but he wants to be the only man in your life. He Wants To Try Anal. He might never ask for it, but he wants it.

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And odds are, most, if not all of his former girlfriends wouldn’t let him. Let him have it at least once, maybe on his birthday.

It’ll be a bonding experience. He Wants To Bang Your Friends. I’m not saying he’ll do it, but he wants to. Don’t take it personally—he’s wanted to bang 9. It’s really not that big a deal. Let him know you know and watch how red he gets.

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You Should Learn To Play Pool. There’s nothing hotter than a chick who can beat you in pool. He Wants You To Seduce Him. Yes, he probably likes sex more than you do, but you want him to be happy, right? Don’t wait for him to instigate every time. Surprise him every once in a while.

He Notices When You Don’t Wear The Jewelry He Bought You. If you don’t like it, for Christ’s sake, say so and let him try again.

It seems ungrateful when you wear it once and then he never sees it again. He Wants You To Need Him. Sure, you’re an independent lady and he likes that. But he also wants to feel useful. So let him change a light bulb and open pickle jars for you. It boosts his self- esteem.

You’ve Got To Watch Your Weight. Oh shit, did I really say that? Well, it’s true. Just because you landed him doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want and stop going to the gym (and to be fair, neither can he). If You’ve Been Living Together For Longer Than Three Years, He’s Not Going To Marry You. At that point, he already considers himself married, and the idea of a wedding is more of a hassle than the special day it is to you. You can try to force him into it if you want, but…1.

Ultimatums Do NOT Work. Any time you try to force a guy to do anything, he WILL resent you for it. Try an honest talk about how you feel and what you want out of the relationship before you give him an “either/or.”2. He Wants Kids. It’s hardwired into his DNA.

No matter what he says when he’s in his twenties, when he gets a little older, he’s going to want a legacy to leave behind. But please make sure he’s ready before you stop taking your birth control. He Knows When You’re Lying To Him.

He might not even be sure what you’re lying about, but he knows when you’re not being honest. Better come clean, or his head will fill up with worst- case scenarios. He Wants You To Like What He Likes. Whether it’s movies, sports or hobbies, he wants you to enjoy those things with him. Even if it’s not your thing, try to have fun with the fact that it makes him happy.

He Thought You Looked Good In That First Outfit. The more you change clothes before you go out, the more impatient he gets. After the second one, he doesn’t care anymore.

Just pick one and let’s go! He Has No Interest In Shoes. What is it with women and shoes? You may think that new pair is the cutest thing in the world, but it just mystifies him. You Should Always Take His Side. Within reason. But if he’s involved in some kind of debate and you take sides against him in public, he will never forgive you. He Wants You To Expose Him To New Things.

He wants to feel like you’re bringing something extra into his life, so tell him about your favorite authors, philosophers, whatever. If you help him grow as a person, he’ll always be grateful to you for it. You Need To Tell Him Exactly What You Want. Don’t make him guess, because he’ll pick wrong. And don’t be vague about it either. If you want something, just say it straight out.

Odds are, he’ll give it to you. He Hates That Short Haircut.

Very few women can pull off that pixie hairdo (although the ones that can do it beautifully). He likes your hair long, so don’t go chopping it all off without running it by him first. How would you feel if he got a Mohawk or grew a rattail?

He Wants You By His Side. Watch Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines Hindi Full Movie on this page. If you abandon him at parties and go talk to your friends while he talks to his, you’re not giving him that level of completion he wants in a partner. Sure, you can branch out now and then, but he wants you to work as a duo.