The Perfect Storm Full Movie Part 1

The moon’s one of the best ways to get into astronomy. It’s bright, easy to find and doesn’t take any equipment other than your eyes to appreciate. On Tuesday, the National Transportation Safety Board is expected to find that Tesla’s semi-autonomous driving system, known as Autopilot, should partially be blamed.

A Massive New Storm System Just Appeared Over Neptune. Do not be alarmed, but a bright storm system three quarters the width of our entire planet has emerged over Neptune’s equator, in a region where no bright clouds have ever been witnessed before. The “extremely surprising” observation was made by astronomers Ned Molter and Imke de Pater of the University of California Berkeley, during a test run observing Neptune at twilight at the W. Watch Casablanca Online. M. Keck Observatory at Maunakea, Hawaii. The storm, which spans roughly 5,6.

HDNET MOVIES showcases the best in box office hits, award-winning films and memorable movie marathons, uncut and commercial free! A tropical cyclone is a rapidly rotating storm system characterized by a low-pressure center, a closed low-level atmospheric circulation, strong winds, and a spiral. Low-budget scifi movies may have had their heyday during Roger Corman’s rise to B-movie greatness in the 1950s, but they’re still going strong today—proving. Part Two: How does the head of the world's most powerful crime family juggle being a father, husband, and boss? Surrounded by trouble, Edward tries to manage his.

June 2. 6th and July 2nd, according to a press release issued by Keck this week.“Historically, very bright clouds have occasionally been seen on Neptune, but usually at latitudes closer to the poles, around 1. Pater said in a statement. Never before has a cloud been seen at, or so close to the equator, nor has one ever been this bright.”A distant ice giant that’s only been visited by a single spacecraft, Voyager 2, the inner workings of Neptune remain largely mysterious to planetary scientists, although they’ve witnessed some impressive meteorological action in its azure skies over the years.

The Perfect Storm Full Movie Part 1

The Hubble Space Telescope saw a similar bright cloud complex in 1. Voyager 2 in 1. 98. In 2. 01. 5, a new dark vortex cropped up in Neptune’s southern hemisphere. Scientists have been attempting to track the anti- cyclone ever since, snagging some beautiful images with Hubble last year.

As UC Berkeley’s Mike Wong explained in a talk I attended at the American Geophysical Union annual meeting last December, dark spots “often have these bright companion features” which absorb strongly in the part of the spectrum associated with methane. When I spoke with Wong after his talk, he told me his team was trying to figure out why the dark vortex was drifting to the south (“.. His research group was also exploring models to elucidate what actually makes dark spots dark.“The most exciting possibility is that this could indeed be associated with a dark vortex,” Wong said when I emailed him about the latest Neptune observations.

The Perfect Storm Full Movie Part 1

We can’t resolve enough detail to know, but this could be some type of wave activity associated with dark vortices. Watch The Greatest Online Hitfix. It would be great to image something like this with an extremely large telescope.. Neptune orbiter!”De Pater and Molter also suspect the bright clouds chilling near Neptune’s equator could be related to gases rising up and condensing out of a deeply- rooted dark vortex system. The clouds might also be an enormous convective system, similar to those seen on planets like Saturn.“We were very surprised to learn that the storm was consistent with being right at the equator—it’s difficult to understand how a deep vortex could be sustained there, since the Coriolis force is zero,” Molter said in an email to Gizmodo.

It could be that the underlying vortex is a few degrees north or south of the equator, or that this cloud lacks an underlying vortex and will quickly shear apart.”De Pater and Molter plan to continue investigating the colossal cloud complex—they’re hoping to secure more observing time at Keck this fall. Neptune is the windiest planet in the Solar System, and studying its complex weather can shed light on the inner workings of ice giants, a club that it shares with just one other planetary oddball, Uranus. Unlike gas giants, which are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, ice giants contain a larger share of heavier elements like oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen. They may even harbor hidden liquid water oceans.)“Discoveries like this one underline just how little we know about the atmospheres of the ice giants,” Molter said. The article has been updated with comments from Molter and Wong.