That Awkward Moment Full Movie Part 1

Nathan Fielder: How The Cult Comedian Rules the Outer Limits of Awkward. Comedy has taken Nathan Fielder to some pretty strange places, but nothing quite compares to the time he found himself walking a high wire between two seven- story buildings in downtown L.

That Awkward Moment Full Movie Part 1
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A. It was the finale of the third season of Nathan for You, the hit Comedy Central series in which Fielder offers preposterously elaborate assistance to small- business owners and other regular folks. For this episode, he took on his biggest project yet: transforming a deeply nerdy, semi- employed man who lives with his parents into a genuine hero. Fielder assumed the identity of Corey Calderwood, a 2. Ventura, California, complete with a movie- quality latex mask, a bodysuit and a flawless imitation of Calderwood's voice. Then he found Calderwood a girlfriend. It all culminated in the high- wire walk, which Fielder completed as a crowd below went wild. Then the real Calderwood took Fielder's place, handed over a $5,0.

Besides being wildly successful – Fielder impersonated Calderwood so well that even his family had no idea anything was up – the stunt was evidence of the comedian's near- psychotic dedication to his craft. We kept thinking, 'There has to be a way where I don't actually have to wire- walk,' " says Fielder, 3. But we couldn't think of one. I had to train for nine months."Television has never seen anything quite like Fielder, who grew up in Vancouver as a gawky kid who loved to perform magic tricks, then went on to get a business degree from the University of Victoria. Nathan for You manages to make use of both his love of magic and his business acumen, as well as his natural social awkwardness. On the show, he "helps" mom- and- pop shops with schemes that can border on offensive – like when he convinced haunted- house visitors that they'd contracted an autoimmune disease "a step below AIDS" in order to give them a real scare.

Other bits are hilarious, sophisticated illusions: To promote a petting zoo, he made a video in which a pig appeared to rescue a goat from drowning. In reality, it was a scheme involving divers and other underwater props, but most of the big morning shows played the clip, believing it was real. In his own quiet way, Fielder is a true comedy rebel. Where most comics get by on outsize personalities, his weapons are a blank stare and a seeming inability to respond to social cues.

His TV personality is an awkward loner who generates one deeply uncomfortable moment after another. Nathan is willing to let things get more excruciatingly awkward than most people have a tolerance for," says Seth Rogen, who has known him since first grade. More than almost any performer I've ever seen, he is willing to just sit there and do nothing for a long time, to the point that the people he's interacting with are forced to reveal themselves, because the silence is excruciating. I think it's not something everyone has the stomach for."Nathan for You regularly ranks number one among young men in its time slot. But when the show begins on September 2. The long layoff caused the show's obsessive fans to grow panicked as so much time went by without a new season.

It also put extreme pressure on Fielder to come up with ever- more- ambitious pranks. One reason for the delay is that the show simply takes a long time to produce; upwards of 9. Another is that production was shut down after Fielder suffered an embarrassing injury. Malena Online Putlocker there.

I was walking and texting and stepped in a crack and my foot went to the side," he says. The doctor said it's called a 'dancer's fracture.' He normally sees it on women who wear high heels." He pauses. So that was good to know." It's 1. Monday, and Fielder is sitting in the V Boulevard Cafe, a short drive from his production office in Glendale, California.

That Awkward Moment Full Movie Part 1

Unlike on his show, conversation flows with relative ease, but that doesn't mean things don't sometimes get a little strange. Watch Online Watch The Marine 4: Moving Target Full Movie Online Film. When a server comes to take our order, he looks genuinely panicked when I ask for a turkey sandwich.

· Sarah Silverman has no trouble recalling her most awkward on-camera encounter — which, contrary to her standard comedic hijinks, was not at all funny. "After we finished it was awkward and I was thinking, Was his dick touching my leg, and where is my robe?

Will you be offended if I get a breakfast thing?" he asks with unblinking, stone- faced sincerity. Should I match you?"He eventually felt comfortable enough to go for oatmeal, but the question of just how weird this guy really is – and how much his TV persona matches his real self – lingers. There's only about a 1. Nathan on the show and real- life Nathan," says Nathan for You co- creator Michael Koman.

The character is just an amplified version of him. He's awkward socially. Most people in comedy are awkward socially. But he's a guy with a very solid, wonderful group of friends, who is a loyal, ethical person. He's a very sweet man, and he's very concerned with your well- being.""The scariest thing about the show is that [character] is Nathan," says Tim Gilbert, Fielder's college roommate and a fellow comedian. It's not super- put- on." Gilbert is quick to qualify, though, that the real Fielder always had plenty of friends – and female admirers.

For as long as I've known him, women have loved him. I think it's because he [seems] hard to get." Fielder researched Asperger's syndrome while fine- tuning his TV persona, but he rejects any suggestion his character is on the spectrum. There's a lot of social disconnects that people experience all the time that have nothing to do with autism or anything," he says.

When I ask if he's ever wondered whether he has a developmental disorder, he's genuinely horrified. Please don't tell me this is the angle of your piece," he says. While Fielder's TV self is chronically single, the real Fielder was married to a children's librarian he knew from Canada – until they divorced in 2. Watch One More Chance Dailymotion.

It's a painful subject he refuses to discuss in detail. Any breakup is hard," he says, clearly desperate to move on from the topic.

It was tough."Fielder at Age 1. Courtesy of Nathan Fielder. Fielder is with somebody, though attempts to find out more about her were fruitless.

I'm dating someone right now," he says. I'm not going to talk more about it." Awkward tension fills the table, though it seems to energize him. I can tell you're uncomfortable asking about this," he says.

Why?" Suddenly it's like a scene out of Nathan for You, where he's the one asking the questions, reveling in the squirming answers he elicits. Fielder has long said his TV character is based on his teenage self. Back then, the harder he tried to be cool, the worse things seemed to get.