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Wellness Nature. Chet “Butch” Kulikowski Jr., (top- right photo) has been hunting all his life because his dad, Chet Sr., started taking him out with his buddies as soon as he was old enough. They hunted when and whatever they could all over southeast Michigan, northern Michigan, and the Upper Peninsula. Butch loved it and now his life revolves around it. He has been hunting big game for about 4.

Michigan, elk and mule deer out west, (Colorado, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming). Butch said, “I have seen and harvested some nice animals over the years but nothing like the 1. I got in Livings- ton Co. Michigan on Dec. 2. Ten Point” Titan Extreme crossbow!” He first started seeing this buck on his Cuddeback trail camera in December of 2.

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The show that started it all is back for its 30th season, and we've assembled the dirtiest challengers to ever play the game. With $1 Million on the line, being bad. Lo dicen los Def con Dos, y yo lo ratifico. Click on the pictures to view in full size[/B]. movie promos, wallpapers. 03-17 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf). The Option 6™ delivers The DEF-CON M6Z will surely turn. FR EE TWO HOURS Crossbow Friendly!

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Then the record book buck disappeared and Butch didn’t think he would ever see him again. Luckily around the end of November 2. The big buck looked like a 1. Butch recalls, “I hunted for him all through December, my wife Cindy said I was obsessed, but she was still supportive.

I had a couple of close calls but for one reason or another things just were not working out. Then at the end of the day on Dec.

I got a chance when he tried sneaking by at about 3. I double lunged him with a G5 Havoc, 3 blade mechanical broadhead, and it did a perfect job. After waiting about 3. I went out and found my bolt and started finding blood in the snow. He only went about 7. When I found him I could not believe my eyes, (my eyes were watering a lot), once I collected my- self I realized he was actually an 1. Unbelievable! This really is a gift from the gods!” The buck was nicknamed “Walter” and weighed 1.

Butch had his trophy green scored by Richard Wilt with CBM and as a non- typical 1. Both G- 2s are split and are 1. The tip to tip dimension is - 3/8” because they actually overlap each other by that much. Once officially scored Butch’s buck will surely rank in the state’s top bucks! Butch commented, “Wow!

Still hard to believe, I feel very lucky.”4 MARCH 2. WNW NEWSSEASONSMJC ARCHERYMACOMBMJC ARCHERYOAKLAND1. Mile Rd Clinton Twp. Rochester Rd Royal Oak, MI 4. Open All Year – Pike and walleye season on Lower Peninsula Great Lakes, Lake St.

Clair & St. Clair & Detroit Rivers. Open All Year – Salmon and trout season on Great Lakes, St. Marys River, Lake St. Clair & St. Clair & Detroit Rivers.

Open All Year – Catch- and- immediate- release bass season on all Michigan waters open to fishing. Now- March 1. 5 – Pike and walleye season on Lower Peninsula inland waters. Watch Big Trouble Online Facebook. Now- March 1. 5 – Pike and walleye season on Upper Peninsula Great Lakes, inland waters & St. Marys River Now- March 1 – Squirrel - Fox and Gray (black  phase included) season statewide. Now- March 3. 1 – Cottontail rabbit and snowshoe hare season statewide.

Now- Jan. 3. 1 – Raccoon hunting statewide. Now- March 1 – Fox hunting season statewide (red and gray)Now- March 3. Crow season. Cover Bucks.. By Tom Campbell. Two Crossbow Record Book Bucks from Livingston County Chronic wasting disease was confirmed this week in two female deer from a Mecosta County deer farm. CWD is a fatal neurological disease that affects white- tailed deer, mule deer, elk and moose. This is the second time the disease has been found in a farmed deer facility in Michigan.

In 2. 00. 8, a white- tailed deer from a Kent County deer farm tested positive. “Chronic wasting disease is a serious disease affecting both farmed and free- ranging deer,” said MDARD State Veterinarian James Averill, DVM. We are following the state’s CWD response plan and taking the necessary steps to protect the health and well- being of all of Michigan’s deer populations.” Samples from the two deer were submitted for testing as a part of MDARD’s mandatory CWD surveillance program.

All farmed deer facilities licensed with the Michigan Department Natural Resources must participate in this program. Any discovery of chronic wasting disease in free- ranging or farmed deer is disappointing,” said Chad Stewart, DNR deer and elk specialist. It will take significant time and effort – through immediate, targeted surveillance and mandatory checks during the upcoming deer seasons – to understand the current situation.

The Michigan DNR remains committed in our efforts to contain this dis- ease and safeguard our valuable wildlife resource.” MDARD and DNR are implementing the Michigan Surveillance and Response Plan for Chronic Wasting Disease of Free- Ranging and Privately Owned Cervids, and are taking the following steps: • Quarantine the affected farm. Complete trace investigations to identify the potential sourc- es of infection and possible areas of spread. • Work with the producer to depopulate the facility. • Test all deer from the affected herd for CWD. • Identify all other deer farms in a 1. Conduct targeted surveillance testing on free- ranging white- tailed deer near the facility. • Have mandatory deer check for hunter- harvested deer in a nine- township area. In May 2. 01. 5, CWD was found in a free- ranging deer in Ingham County. Since then, the DNR has tested nearly 1. CWD; nine deer have tested positive in Ingham and Clinton counties.

CWD is transmitted directly from one animal to another and indirectly through the environment. Infected animals may display abnormal behavior, progressive weight loss and physical debilita- tion. To date, there is no evidence that CWD presents any risk to humans or other animals outside the deer family, either through contact with an infected deer or from handling venison that came from a CWD- infected deer. However, as a precaution, the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization rec- ommend that infected animals not be consumed as food by either humans or domestic animals. More information about CWD – including Michigan’s CWD sur- veillance and response plan – is available at www. The DNR will host a town hall meeting for hunters and area landowners on Wednesday, Feb. Morley Stanwood High School Cafetorium, 4.

Northland Drive, Morley. At the meeting, local DNR wildlife biologist Pete Kailing, DNR deer management specialist Chad Stewart and DNR wildlife veterinarian Kelly Straka will present information on CWD, its effects on deer and deer populations, and the DNR’s CWD response to date.

Following presentations, the panel will welcome questions. CWD identified in two Mecosta County farmed deer. Steven Campbell, (right) grew up hunting; small game, deer, turkey, as Steve put it, “any reason to get outside.” For the last few decades Steve has taken plenty of deer off a section of state land he and his family hunts. This year Steve’s hunting changed after the second week of Oct.

As stealth as possible Steve carefully scouted the area where the buck crossed and found massive rubs, set his trail cams and setup two different stands. Once Steve saw a photo of the big buck he was commit- ted to harvesting that buck or nothing!

Between work and home, Steve dedicated three days of hunting a week. Watch Full Of Grace Online Flashx. Much like Butch Kulikowski (story above), Steve became obsessed with this buck. He knew it was running with a 1. Steve was still passing on other bucks. Steve said, “The first time I had the big buck on a trail cam in daylight was the opening day of muzzleloading season and I would have been there but my wife con- vinced me my six- weeks of hunting was interfering our home life, oh boy. After the daytime photo I was recommitted to taking this buck.

Despite my buddy breaking my muzzleloader after he slipped and fell on the ice my only choice was to hunt with my crossbow. On Dec. 1. 1 at 5 p. I saw the monster buck standing 1. I took the shot as calm as could be.” The buck only went 6. Steve got his brother who took the lead trailing the buck, which ended with his head completely buried in the snow.

Steve’s brother though he shot a doe. Steve recalled, “I reached down in the snow and grabbed an antler and pulled his head up and it was instant celebration! It was really something else!” His record book 1. The weighed 1. 60 with no fat reserves at all.